Your order will be processed and shipped from our warehouse within 2-5 business days from the purchase date. All orders are processed and shipped from Los Angeles, CA.
Product availability is not guaranteed. However, we will contact you by email or phone should there be a case where an item you ordered is not available or if there is any kind of delay.
Once shipped, you will receive a confirmation email, which will include a tracking number. Please note that you will be charged once your order ships. Additionally, there are no shipments or deliveries on weekends or holidays.
Please be aware that the Hyden Yoo is not responsible for any taxes, duties, or customs fees imposed upon shipments to other countries.
To make exchanges fast and easy, please send your exchange following the instructions found under our “return policy” and repurchase your order in the size and/or color that you want. We will process your exchange like a new order, and will ship according to our “order fulfillment” process found above.
Once your return is received, we will promptly issue you a full refund.
Returns must be received in its original new condition; unworn, and unwashed. Items returned with obvious use, makeup, deodorant, perfume, or similar product stains may be subject to refusal at the expense of the customer. We accept returns postmarked within 14 days of the delivery date. After 14 days of the ship date, all sales are final.
Sale merchandise, underwear, clearance items, and gift cards / e-gift cards are all final sale items and cannot be returned or exchanged, unless required by law.
Original shipping is non-refundable.
Please contact with the following details: your name, order number, the items you wish to return, and the reason for return. If and when approved, you will be given an RA number, and the items can be shipped back to our warehouse.
The customer is responsible for return shipping. It is encouraged to keep a reference of your return tracking number and ship with certified/insured mail.
Once your return is received, refunds will be issued to your original payment method. Refunds cannot be returned to alternate cards or different forms of payment. We will process your return as soon as possible but please allow up to two weeks for your refund to be processed and up to three billing cycles for the return to appear on your credit card statement.
Store credits will be issued for gift returns or upon request.
In the instance you have not received your order, we will thoroughly investigate the issue with the delivery service. Please know that investigations can take up to two weeks. Once the package leaves our warehouse, it is completely out of our control. Should the company, Hyden Yoo, be responsible, we will issue you a full refund. Hyden Yoo is not responsible for weather related damages, delays or lost/stolen packages. Also, please note packages can get delayed a day or so, or be incorrectly scanned or sorted. It is not uncommon for a package to show up after the expected delivery date or after tracking indicates that your package was delivered. If you still haven't received your package after 5 business days of confirmed delivery, please reach out to the carrier for further delivery information or file a claim.